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5 challenges which are waiting for the user when switching from iOS to Android

From time to time iPhone owners decide to change something in your life and buy an Android smartphone. Reckless decision associated with a number of compromises that need to be reconciled to the user, believe Zoom.

The main advantage of the market of Android-smartphone — variety: you can choose the device with the original design, watertight hull, huge battery, memory card slot, and a chic front camera. Another advantage is the price: if for 20-25 thousand rubles are sold either outdated or restored iPhone, on Android for the money, you can buy decent and powerful model.

But before you decide to switch from iOS to Android, you should know about the pitfalls that are sure to meet the owner of the “Google phone”.

Accidental pressing

The presentation of the first iPhone (iPhone 2G) Steve jobs mentioned protection from accidental screen taps. Apple founder was convinced that the control of the fingers can be comfortable only if the display distinguishes between correct pressing and those that respond not worth it. In the end cupertinos protection from unwanted taps was as secret as the composition of the spices in KFC restaurants. For 8 years manufacturers of Android smartphones released a huge number of gadgets with bright, clear and sensitive displays, but did not come close to the iPhone in terms of response to accidental pressing.

Clearest it can be felt during typing. IOS supports third-party keyboards never became popular: it was limited to the digests in the style of “10 new keyboards for the iPhone.” IOS 8 users have installed an alternative keypad of curiosity, and then returns to the standard version. Android is more complicated: most likely, you will spend a couple of hours in Google Play, install the keyboard and select the most comfortable layout. By the way, it is possible that the keyboard that you enjoy, so do not use in any form.

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Downtrodden status

A characteristic feature of iOS: to an outsider icon got on the top panel, there must be something supernatural. Most often it is limited to information about the signal and the carrier indication method of Internet connection, clock, alarm icon and displays battery information in percent or without them). Sometimes this set added an icon to lock the screen orientation and the Crescent moon denoting that the user has selected the mode “do not disturb”.

In the Android top bar plays the role of informant. Installed the app? And let’s specify. Missed the alarm? Will send five notifications. Came the message in the messenger? This needs to be fixed. Chose power saving mode? Display it at the top.

Designed to be useful to the panel acquires micro icons faster than you will realize that you don’t have time to watch them. Typical lazy way owner’s Android smartphone: accumulate three dozen notifications, and then erase them for two touches. Pedantic users doing differently and manually shut off access to the upper bar for each application. Both scenarios are inconvenient, but Google gives developers the freedom of creativity, and they use it.

Slow updates

Apple has got a simple and clear procedure for updates: in June at WWDC show a new version of iOS, and in September, about a week after the launch of the new iPhone, users are prompted to install the update. The list of supported models is standard on all current generation iPhone (4S and above), iPad (2) and iPod Touch (5 and up). Even if you don’t follow the news from the world of mobile phones, you can still get a talk about that very soon in your iPhone will be new features and capabilities.

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With Android it is not so: suffice it to say that by the beginning of this summer on the Lollipop version, demonstrated in June of 2014, passed only 12.4% of users. And on the latest build (Android 5.1) is updated only 0.8% of those who did transfer to Lollipop. C the rate at 39.2% leading Android 4.4 KitKat, which was announced in autumn 2013.

The situation has not changed: it seems that Google is satisfied with the speed of the update process. Accordingly, future Android users there are three ways. The first is to forget about the updates and enjoy the current version of the OS. The second is to dig through the forums on the subject of self-made assemblies fresh Android. Third — every day to learn the news and to check to see if your gadget to the short list of devices that will be updated to the latest version. In any case, rest and regularity of updates iOS can only dream of.


With the advent of iOS 8, the word “widget” for owners of the iPhone ceased to be a language from another galaxy. Widgets settled in the notifications menu and fit there quite organically: apps send notifications, not clogging up anything, but one tab of the top bar. Widgets in iOS can bring additional functionality. Among domestic developers this opportunity was quicker have used in Clever Pumpkin, where they make application for a sports website Sports. The fans pick favorite club and one swipe pass to the news about the team and the results of the latest matches.

Android does not need a swipe, and the role of widgets much more significant — and it should be used. On the one hand, if you spend the time and place at the main screen of the watch (of course, with the weather), the external switch modules (Wi-Fi with one touch), mini Notepad for taking notes, main keys of the player and the block with updated news, use a smartphone is incredibly convenient. On the other hand, for such a large number of widgets needed a large screen (phablet — 5.5 inch), so the “extra” elements still have to be placed on a nearby desktop. The transition back is carried out using a swipe, and an advantage over iOS 8 automatically disappears.

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The legend that important app on Android is now released at the same time (or even earlier) to iOS, hardly worth taking seriously: the developers in most cases first present a version for i-gadgets and then for devices running Google’s OS. The latest example is the program for the organization of the video Periscope: iPhone owners have collected likes and subscribers and owners of Android-devices had to wait two months. Such regular breaks, but they can only surrender, and with slow updates.

And yet the saddest thing is not even that apps appear in Google Play later, and that sometimes they don’t appear at all. The transition from iOS to Android means a complete rejection of iMessage (return messenger, Hangouts, is present in the App Store), FaceTime, set iWork and many other useful things. Sometimes the programs that Google released on iOS easier to use than native Android. First of all, about those apps (YouTube, Google Maps and so on) that will not even work on Android without authorization. In iOS it is not needed — you can run and watch videos/maps.

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