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Why many apps and games come out on iOS before Android

There are many challenges facing developers of mobile applications for iOS and Android, but, according to the programmers of Infinum, each platform offers different conditions for writing programs.

Earlier this week the developers published an article about the differences in approaches to creating applications for iOS and Android. It is likely that many will be able to guess the outcome of the comparison, but particularly interesting are the numbers.

Analyzing six recent projects, available in the App Store and Google Play, Infinum came to the conclusion that the apps on Android require an average 38% more code than their counterparts on iOS.
Interestingly, the largest of these projects on Android overtook iOS version of the number of lines of code only 6%. However, it took 5000 lines of code the app for iOS has demanded over 14,000 lines for Android. As explained in Infinum, a large amount of code in itself is not a problem, in case certain compromises.

The developers used a service called Productive to track the amount of time spent on writing applications. According to the report, developing for Android takes 30% more time than on iOS. This means that the customer will have to pay the programmer more for additional hours of work.

Infinum team has published several hypotheses explaining the time-consuming process of writing code for Android:

  • applications for Android are written in Java, which in itself is more verbose than Objective-C or Swift. You will inevitably have to write more, which means more potential errors;
  • emulators for Android, including the famous GenyMotion, slower than analogues for iOS. This factor is corny slows the test process code;
  • big Android fragmentation significantly increases the likelihood of errors on devices of different manufacturers;
  • instructions in XML files for Android you have to write manually, at least using WYSIWYG editors.
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Infinum report concludes with comment on the development of operating system from Google, the resulting application becomes easier to write and faster. But at the moment it is impossible to deny the fact of additional time and money expenses in case of Android development.

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