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Tim cook: “In the US should be the world’s most advanced government. While it is not”

The President of the United States Donald trump held at the White house the first meeting of the technical Council, which was attended by the heads of 18 major American IT companies, including Apple CEO Tim cook, the head of Microsoft Satya Nadella and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. The meeting discussed the issues of transformation and modernization of government digital services, as well as reducing costs in this area. According to trump, these measures can save American taxpayers up to $1 trillion in the next 10 years.

“Our goal is a radical transformation of technology of the Federal government, which will provide much better services for citizens. The government needs to catch up with the technological revolution,” brings to Life the words of the President of the United States.

Chairman of the technical Committee Jared Kushner noted that some of the U.S. government, including the Ministry of defence are still used floppy disks. Agreed with him the head of Apple Tim cook who pointed out the backwardness of the American government in matters of technology.

“In the United States should be the most advanced government in the world. While this is not the case,” said cook.

As stressed by the head of Amazon Jeff Bezos, he’d like to trump used commercial available technology, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

At the meeting, the CEO raised the issue of simplifying the procedure of obtaining American visas for highly qualified specialists from other countries. Top managers discussed the problem of security of state information systems.

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A technical Council was formed by the decree of the President of the United States Donald trump on may 1. Its Chairman is appointed Jared Kushner, a senior adviser to the head of the White house and part of the husband of Ivanka trump. The aim of the Council proclaimed “the transformation and modernization” of public digital services.

In addition to Tim cook, Jeff Bezos and Satya Nadella at the event was also attended by the heads of Google, IBM, Intel, Oracle, Adobe, MasterCard and other IT giants. The meeting was also invited the founder of Facebook mark Zuckerberg, but he refused to attend the meeting.

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