
How much is iOS 12.4 faster than iOS 12.3.1?

Love updates? Then pay attention to the output of iOS 12.4. This version is already available for installation. Image from the YouTube channel TechReview How is it better than iOS 12.3.1? Has it become more productive? This decided to check the YouTube channel iAppleBytes. He tested both systems on some iPhones. interesting                    […]


iOS 12.4 dramatically increases battery life

Recently, an interesting survey was conducted. Users were asked how long their iPhones work? The answers were disappointing. For many, the phone is discharged in half a day. Image from How to extend this time without effort? It will probably help update iOS 12.4, released the other day. Tests show that the novelty bypasses […]


iOS 13 compared with iOS 12 for speed

What did Apple promise during the announcement of iOS 13? System performance – according to the company – will increase. Regarding iOS 12, it will be faster. Image from the iDeviceHelp YouTube channel Alas, the first beta versions of iOS 13 disappointed. In terms of speed, they did not exceed iOS 12. The current OS […]

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All iPhone 2018 showed in the video

Channel MobileFun has a video with models of the iPhone, which should be out this fall. The authors of the channel has also unveiled the names of the smartphones. Video all smartphones black frame around the perimeter. This is probably a feature of these models because expensive iPhone will be a steel frame, and the […]