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Pinterest has hired former Apple designer Susan Kare

American designer Susan Kare, who in the 1980s worked at Apple, joined the service of Pinterest. She will lead the product design, to work on interfaces for the web version and mobile social networking application.

Now the name of Susan Kare is seldom heard, but in the 80’s, during the era of the first personal computers, she was in the mainstream. With the advent of the first computers began to emerge early modern user interfaces, for which Susan was doing pixel icons, fonts, and graphics.

Kare joined Apple in 1982. She developed the icons, some of the fonts for Macintosh and Mac OS. Its authorship belongs to the Chicago font for iPod, as well as Monaco and Geneva.

In 1983, Kare has painted icons for the prototype of the Macintosh OS, trying to fit into the task — to make the system clear. Keyboard shortcuts in the new OS were originally bound to a key-modifier “” — until that fateful moment when the design is not reviewed by Steve jobs. He opened the menu and exclaimed: “Too many apples! Spend our logo hurl!” As a result of the proverbial “Apple” had to change like the clover leaf, which was used in the Swedish campsites.

Susan Kare is called the pioneer of pixel art, as well as working as a designer on the design of the “Apple Macintosh”, in addition to icons she created various graphics including pixel fonts. Later as creative Director she joined Steve jobs at his new company NeXT. Over time it became an independent graphic designer. Since then it had done work for Microsoft, IBM, Logitech, Intel, Sun, Sony, Nokia, Motorola, Facebook, and many others.

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