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Apple received a patent for a system of charging mobile devices from solar panels and power adapter

Bureau of patents and trademark United States has issued Apple a patent on the technology of charging mobile devices with solar energy. Patent number 9348388 called “System power management for the adapter is installed and solar panels to electronic devices”. A patent application for this technology was registered by Apple in 2012. The system described […]

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7 main differences from the iPhone 7 iPhone 6s

Every new Apple product is a serious update. Rumors on the Network is actively pushing for the autumn debut of the new high-end smart phones iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. Despite the fact that users are eager to see the smartphone as quickly as possible, many owners of the current iPhone 6s puzzled by […]

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Represented the “first real” modular case for iPhone

The American company Otterbox has introduced “smart” modular case uniVERSE, allowing you to extend the functionality of the iPhone. From analogues on the market, the new product has a convenient removable fastening elements and subtle dimensions. Usually iPhone is placed only one accessory: it may be the case, additional lens for your camera or card […]