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The video showed brand Lightning EarPods for iPhone 7

On YouTube published videoobzor alleged EarPods, which, in contrast to previous models of Apple earbuds that connects to the smartphone via the Lightning connector. The accessory is allegedly designed for the new iPhone 7, which will be deprived of the 3.5 mm audio connector. The author of the video notes that the current generation EarPods […]

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Almost 3 million Android users downloaded the Trojan from the official Google Play store

In the official Google Play store, the specialists of “Doctor Web” has discovered a malicious app that contains more than 150 applications. The Trojan, dubbed Android.Spy.305.origin, causes applications to display advertisements, which prevents normal device operation. Researchers estimate that to date, the virus has managed to download about 2.8 million people. “The Malware” Android.Spy.305.origin is […]