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Seagate announces helium-filled hard disk capacity of 10 TB

Seagate Technology has officially announced the release of hard disk capacity of 10 TB. The device is designed for users who require the maximum volume of data storage and increased reliability. 10-terabyte drive contains seven plates. It uses the technology of filling with helium, which reduces the friction and turbulence when they spin. The density […]

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100% of iOS apps contain at least three vulnerabilities

100% of the tested iOS financial apps contain at least three vulnerabilities from the top 10 OWASP ranking of the most relevant vulnerabilities IN prepared by the community Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). This conclusion was made by experts of the company Arxan Technologies according to the results of the study. The experts conducted […]

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Why the next iPhone needs edge-to-edge display [video]

Ulefone currently preparing to launch sales of the smartphone Power with high-capacity battery, but pre-announced its new flagship model of the Future. Representatives of the company claim that the device is reminiscent of the design of the phones Apple will become the most outstanding of all that were ever under this brand. Future Ulefone smartphone […]

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Rumors: will be released the jailbreak for iOS 9.2

Hacker group Vairs Team has promised to release untethered jailbreak for iOS 9.2. As reported in the official Twitter account of the developers, the app from TaiG will debut today during the day. More than two months ago, Apple killed the jailbreak for iOS 9.0.x. Released since updating to iOS 9.1, 9.2, and 9.2.1 still […]