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Roskomnadzor explained how Medvedev managed to bypass the lock on your iPad Rutracker

Roskomnadzor explained why Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev turned out to go on a “lifetime” blocked Rutracker from your iPad. “Well, as your Roskomnadzor is blocking it?” the Prime Minister asked earlier of the Minister of communications. Earlier it became known that during meeting of the government Council for cinematography in VGIK Medvedev tried to log […]

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Dmitry Medvedev bypassed the lock on my iPad Rutracker

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev found a way around the eternal lock Rutracker and go to the website tracker on your iPad. It happened during the meeting of the government Council for cinema VGIK, according to “Vedomosti”. This happened after the speech of the General Director of channel one Konstantin Ernst, who said about the ineffectiveness […]