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The new generation iPhone will be to understand the language

The next generation iPhone will learn how to recognize the sign language, and the device itself can be controlled using hand movements in the air, according to a new Apple patent application published by patent and trademark office. Patent-pending technology is called “Three-Dimensional Hand Tracking Using Depth Sequences”, which means the ability to track hand […]

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Review heavy-duty tempered glass for iPhone Onext

Due to fluctuations in the dollar iPhone and other Apple devices, inexorably more expensive, but this does not become less than desirable. And like any valuables, your smartphone must be treated carefully. This is especially true of the screen — the portion of the device with which we interact most often. Traditional protection display film […]

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Apple confident in the success of a new 4-inch iPhone 5se

In 2013, Apple attempted to enter the mid-price segment by releasing the iPhone 5c with plastic housing and stuffed from iPhone 5. But then selling colorful smartphones didn’t meet the expectations of the company. Having studied the mistakes made, Apple is preparing to introduce a new 4-inch iPhone model 5se, equipping it with powerful hardware […]

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Google has supported the refusal of the Apple iPhone to hack the terrorist

Google CEO Sundar Pichai expressed support for Apple and the head of the company in a dispute with the FBI about the confidentiality of your information. “Forcing companies to create opportunities for hacking devices can compromise the privacy of users. We know that law enforcement and intelligence agencies face significant challenges in protecting society from […]

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Experts: Apple has the technical ability to circumvent the protection of iPhone, and to fulfill the demand of the FBI

On Wednesday, the California court issued a decree according to which Apple needs to help the FBI with gaining access to encrypted information on the iPhone 5C, which was shot 14 people is a terrorist. Tim cook has strongly contested the requirement of security services, stating that the government requires to make an unprecedented move […]