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“Gemmoroya less”: “Beeline” decided to sell the mobile subscribers of the home Internet and TV for 1 ruble

The operator “Beeline” has launched a new range of tariff plans “All in one”. It allows existing subscribers to connect home Internet and TV package surcharge value of 1 rouble. The company’s management announced at a press conference in Moscow. This product is a converged (fixed mobile convergence), such services are already offered by some […]

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Launched store tweaks for iOS devices without jailbreak

In August last year MacDigger spoke about the development of a new store tweaks, which works on devices without jailbreak. Utility for modifying applications created by the developers Made Alphari and Kevin Ko, was named Extensify. This week they announced the launch of the beta version of its service. For Extensify do not need to […]

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Titan Poker – poker app for iOS

Poker app has long reached a new level with the advent of social media, after all, probably every one of you have ever played poker on your PC. Often all poker apps offer the game for virtual chips with lots of bright graphics, prizes and the obligatory chat with other players. The most popular poker […]