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Russian competitor of Skype and WhatsApp from Rostelecom estimated in 47 million roubles

“Rostelecom” has commissioned the creation of Internet-telephony to the Moscow firm “svetec”. This product must compete with Skype and WhatsApp. The press service of the largest Telecom operator in Russia confirmed that the company “Svetets” won the contest, asking for work with 43.75 million. In addition, over 3.5 million rubles another capital company — “Retrim” […]

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Apple and Samsung underpaid Mikhalkov 2 billion

Remuneration fees of the Russian Union of rights holders (RBC), created by Nikita Mikhalkov, 2015 amounted to 2.18 billion, which is 18.4% lower than in 2014. It is reported by RNS. The CPR collects the so-called author’s fee from the manufacturers and distributors of computer and other household appliances that allows you to play audio […]

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The manufacturer of processors for the iPhone announced a partnership with ARM to go to 7-nm process

The owners of lithographic industries continue to invest in the development of increasingly thin “technological” standards. As it became known, the company TSMC, which supplies the processors for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, plans to introduce 7-nanometer process technology in the first quarter of 2017, having mastered the mass production of microchips in 2018. Thus, […]

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“Classmates” launched ads in news feeds on mobile devices

Russian social network “Classmates” today, 16 March, launched a mobile advertising branded apps for devices running operating system iOS and Android. The new format will allow advertisers to make messages more area and involve the user regardless of device, the report said social networks, said the company. The ad format is cross-platform – promotional notes […]