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The hunt for violators of Parking rules will reward a user for the exposed fines

The app “Assistant of Moscow”, thanks to which inhabitants of capital can inform on non-compliance of Parking rules, learned to fix violations signs “Parking and stopping forbidden”. Soon the developers promise to run the control of Parking on pavements and pedestrian crossings. The app “Assistant of Moscow” about six months ago issued capital Department of […]

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The BSOD AceDeceiver for iOS managed three times to bypass the DRM protection on the App Store

Rules for pre-moderation of apps on the App Store for a long time compelled to consider the Apple store an impregnable fortress, particularly against the background of the situation faced by Google Play. However, in September already was an unpleasant Wake-up call, but in the attack were involved already existing popular apps that, apparently, have […]

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The expert: closing apps in the multitasking drawer, you can degrade the autonomy of the iPhone and iPad

Many owners of iPhone and iPad used to save the device battery, manually closing everything in the multitasking drawer app. Earlier, representatives of Apple, debunked the myth that this way you can prolong the battery life. The habit of close application to improve the autonomy of gadgets, as it turns out, may even be counterproductive. […]