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5 Android features N, which are not on any iPhone

On his main event, Google announced the newest version of its operating system – Android N, which is aimed at improving the experience of interacting with mobile devices. The company spoke about new possibilities of the software platform, among which the increase in battery life, support for virtual reality, new opportunities multi-tasking, “instant application”. Multiwindow […]

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In App Store there was an application for simultaneous translation of telephone conversations

Lost in translation is a pressing issue for those who travel a lot. Ukrainian app developers Chatlas lets you instantly arrange transfer of any negotiation: and the phone (via conference call), and live interviews (using a speakerphone). Work on the project was conducted almost a year, and recently the programmers released the first version of […]

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Touch: alternative design for “Vkontakte” for iOS

Designer and developer Eugene Lazebny has released a client for Vkontakte, offering an alternative view of the design of the social network. The app boasts a lightweight interface, the horizontal viewing records and a chat with fast access to the latest revisions. In Touch between notes in the feed of a social network, you can […]